Thursday, 29 September 2011

16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris (dengan pasive voicenya)

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa penjelasan tentang 16 tenses dalam bahasa inggris :

1. Simple Present Tense
 Although present mean now (sekarang) but matter of in don't be interpreted that the action done at the moment. this tenses is used to express something that have the character of remain to, real truth or habit. Because often concerning occurence of past time, now and will come. This Tense at least having selected time description. English sentences generally must have subject (S) and  Predicate (P). Because that, all tenses formulatived like that.

Formulas of Present Tense:

(positive)             : S + V1 / S + V1 + O
(Negative)           : S + do (es) not + V1
(Interrogative)    : Do (es) + S + V1 ?

If in the sentence have not another verb, so we use verb to be.
Affirmative (+)    : S + Be (am, is, are)
Affirmative (-)    : S + Be (am, is, are) + not
Affirmative (?)    : Be (am, is, are) + S


(Positive)               :  He drinks milk.
(Negative)             :  He does not drink milk.
(Interrogative)     :  Does he drink milk?
Passive Voice         :  Milk is drunk by him
2. Present Continuous Tense
    This Tense is used to express something really action is doing in this time. sentences in this tense a more regular weared than present tense.

Formulas of Present Continuous Tense:
(positive)              : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing (present participle)
(Negative)             : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V ing
(Interrogative)     : Be (am, is, are) + S + V ing ?


(Positive)               : He is drinking milk.
(Negative)             : He is not drinking milk.
(Interrogative)     : Is he drinking milk ?
Passive Voice         : Milk is being drunk by him
3. Present Perfect Tense
    This is Tense which was generally assumed most was difficult to comprehended. To overcome this matter is we have to recognize marking of Tense this. Present Perfect Tense Of dot weigh against at "It have or have its" an action "is not at time doing" action. or equally Present Perfect Tense don't make account of when the happening of an action but the haveness of action done. Therefore this Tense have never followed by time description.
Formulas of Present Perfect Tense:

(positive)    : S + have (has) + V3 (past participle)
(Negative)    : S + have (has) + not + V3
(Interrogative)    : Have (has) + S + V3?


(Positive)               : He has drunk milk.
(Negative)             : He has not drunk milk.
(Interrogative)     : Has he drunk milk ?

Passive Voice         : Milk has been drunk by him
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
    If an action started past time but still is doing till now hence us use sentence in the form of Present Perfect Continuous Tense. This Tense is weared if Verb is including Static Nature (bersifat tetap).

Formulas of Present Continuous Tense:
(positive)              : S + have (has) + been + Ving
(Negative)             : S + have (has) + not + been + Ving
(Interrogative)     : Have (has) + S + been + Ving ?


(Positive)               : He has been drinking milk.
(Negative)             : He has not been drinking milk.
(Interrogative)     : Has he been drinking milk ?
Passive Voice         : Milk has been being by him


1. Simple Past Tense
   is used to express an old world action that happened. Way past tense form depend on type of second Verb. first way added d or of ed at second verb (regular verb). Second way in generally change the vowel sounds (irregular verb).

Formula of Simple Past Tense:

(Positive)               : S + V2 (preterite)
(Negative)             : S + did not (didn’t) + V1
(Interrogative)     : Did + S + V1 ?


(Positive)               : He drank milk.
(Negative)             : He did not drink milk.
(Interrogative)     : Did he drink milk ?
Passive Voice         : Milk was drunk by him

2. Past Continuous Tense
    This Tenses is used to express an action which is happened in past time. and at the same time happened other action. This Tense emphasize is the happening of the action not its have.

Formulas of Past Continuos Tense:

(Positive)               : S + was/were + V ing (present participle)
(Negative)             : S + was/were + not + V ing
(Interrogative)     : was/were + S + V ing?


(Positive)               : He was drinking milk.
(Negative)             : He was not drinking milk.
(Interrogative)     : Was he drinking milk ?
Passive Voice         : Milk is being drunk by him

3. Past Perfect Tense
    It is the same with Past Continuos Tense nor selfsupporting as simple sentence but have to provide with Past Tense sentence. this used to express an action which have been done in past time.

Formulas of Past Perfect Tense:

(Positive)               : S + had + V3
(Negative)             : S + had + not + V3
(Interrogative)     : Had + S + V3?


(Positive)               : He had drunk milk.
(Negative)             : He had not drunk milk.
(Interrogative)     : Had He drunk milk ?

Passive Voice         : Milk had been drunk by him

4. Past Perfect Continuos Tense
    Present participle of Past this Perfect like action which still take place past time when an other occurence cut.

Formulas of Past Perfect Continuos Tense:

(Positive)               : S + had been + V ing
(Negative)             : S + had not + been + V  ing
(Interrogative)     : Had + S + been + V ing?


(Positive)               : He had been drinking.
(Negative)             : He had not been drinking.
(Interrogative)     : Had he been drinking ?
Passive Voice         : Milk had been being drunk by him  


1. Simple Future Tense
    This Tense is used to express an action to happen in the future.

Formulas of  Simple Future Tense:

(Positive)               : S + shall/will + V1
(Negative)             : S + shall/will + not + V1
(Interrogative)     : Shall/will + S + V1 ?


(Positive)               : He will drink milk.
(Negative)             : He will not drink milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will He drink ?

2. Future Continuous Tense
    This Tense is used to express estimated to action underway at the time of selected is future or there is happened other action.

Formulas of  Future Continuous Tense:

(Positive)               : S + shall/will be + V ing
(Negative)             : S + shall/will + not + be + V ing
(Interrogative)     : Shall/will + S + Be + V ing?


(Positive)               : He will be drinking milk.
(Negative)             : He will not be drinking milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will he be drinking milk ?

Passive Voice         : Milk will be being drunk by him

3. Future Perfect Tense
    This Tense is used to express an estimated action have been done at the selected time in future or if there are any other action.
Formulas of  Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive)               : S + shall/will have + V3
(Negative)             : S + shall/will + not + have + V3
(Interrogative)     : Shall/will + S + have + V3?

(Positive)               : He will have drunk milk.
(Negative)             : He will not have drunk milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will he have drunk milk ?
Passive Voice         : Milk will has drunk by him

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
    This Tense is weared to express an estimated action will come in selected future period or if there are any happened other action. This Tense seldom wear.

Formulas of  Future Perfect Tense:

(Positive)               : S + shall/will have been + V ing
(Negative)             : S + shall/will + not + have been + V  ing
(Interrogative)     : Shall/will + S + have been + V ing?


(Positive)               : he will have been drinking milk.
(Negative)             : he will not have been drinking milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will he have been drinking milk ?

Passive Voice      : Milk will has being drunk milk

1. Past Future Tense
    This Tense generally only used in Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) or Reported Speech (Kalimat tidak langsung).

Formulas of  Past Future Tense:
(Positive)               : S + will + V1
(Negative)             : S + will not + V1
(Interrogative)     : Will + S + V1?

(Positive)               : He will drink milk.
(Negative)             : He will not drink milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will he drink ?

Passive Voice         : Milk  will be drunk by him
2. Past Future Continuous Tense
    This Tense is weared very rare and if there are any, only met in Reported Speech.

Formulas of  Past Future Continuous Tense:
(Positive)               : S + will be + V ing
(Negative)             : S + will not be + V ing
(Interrogative)     : will + S + be + V ing?


(Positive)               : He will be drinking milk.
(Negative)             : He will not be drinking milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will he be drinking milk ?
Passive Voice         : Milk would have been drunk by him

3. Past Future Perfect Tense

    This Tense intrinsically only weared in Conditional (kalimat Pengandaian) as main clause for expressing unreal past (lampau tak nyata).

Formulas of  Past Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive)               : S + will  have + V3
(Negative)             : S + will  not + have + V3
(Interrogative)     : will + S + have + V3?


(Positive)               : he will have drunk milk.
(Negative)             : he will not have drunk milk.
(Interrogative)     : Will he have drunk milk ?

4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    This Tense is used very rare even in Reported Speech even if.

Formulas of  Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

(Positive)               : S + will + have + been + V ing
(Negative)             : S + will + have not + been +V ing
(Interrogative)     : will + S + have been + V ing?

(Positive)               : he will have been drinking milk
(Negative)             : he will have not been drinking milk
(Interrogative)     : Will he have been drinking ?

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Contoh Kata Pengantar untuk makalah Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (PLH)

Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT. bahwa kami telah menyelesaikan tugas mata pelajaran mulok PLH dengan membahas kandungan bahan kimia pada puupuk dan pestisida dalam bentuk makalah.
Dalam penyusunan tugas atau materi ini, tidak sedikit hambatan yang kami hadapi. Namun kami menyadari bahwa kelancaran dalam penyusunan materi ini tidak lain berkat bantuan, dorongan dan bimbingan orang tua, sehingga kendala-kendala yang kami hadapi teratasi. Oleh karena itu penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada :
  1. Ibu guru bidang studi Mulok PLH yang telah memberikan tugas, petunjuk, kepada penulis sehingga penulis termotivasi dan menyelesaikan tugas ini.
  2. Orang tua yang telah turut membantu, membimbing, dan mengatasi berbagai kesulitan sehingga tugas ini selesai.
Semoga materi ini dapat bermanfaat dan menjadi sumbangan pemikiran bagi pihak yang membutuhkan, khususnya bagi penulis sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai, Amiin.

Surabaya , September 2011

Monday, 26 September 2011

Contoh Teks Menjadi Moderator

Contoh Teks Menjadi Moderator

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Pertama-tama mari kita panjatkan puja dan puji syukur kepada Allah tuhan yang maha esa . Karena atas rahmatnya kita semua dapat berkumpul disini dalam acara talkshow ini dengan keadaan sehat walafiat . Selanjutnya perkenalkan nama saya Hana Talitha Iddo Driantami anda bisa memanggil saya Hana . Disini saya berlaku sebagai Moderator . Sekarang saya akan memperkenalkan seseorang yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda yaitu Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , Presiden kita . Mungkin saya bias memberikan sedikit cuplikan tentang beliau . Beliau merupakan Presiden RI ke enam dan Presiden pertama yang dipilih langsung oleh Rakyat Indonesia.  Pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2009, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono kembali di lantik sebagai Presiden RI untuk periode 2009-2014. Presiden SBY, seperti banyak rakyat memanggilnya, lahir pada 9 September 1949 di Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Seorang ilmuwan teruji, beliau meraih gelar Master in Management dari Webster University, Amerika Serikat tahun 1991. Lanjutan studinya berlangsung di Institut Pertanian Bogor, dan di 2004 meraih Doktor Ekonomi Pertanian.. Pada 2005, beliau memperoleh anugerah dua Doctor Honoris Causa, masing-masing dari almamaternya Webster University untuk ilmu hukum, dan dari Thammasat University di Thailand ilmu politik. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meraih lulusan terbaik AKABRI Darat tahun 1973, dan terus mengabdi sebagai perwira TNI sepanjang 27 tahun. Beliau meraih pangkat Jenderal TNI pada tahun 2000. Sepanjang masa itu, beliau mengikuti serangkaian pendidikan dan pelatihan di Indonesia dan luar negeri, antara lain Seskoad dimana pernah pula menjadi dosen, serta Command and General Staff College di Amerika Serikat. Dalam tugas militernya, beliau menjadi komandan pasukan dan teritorial, perwira staf, pelatih dan dosen, baik di daerah operasi maupun markas besar. Penugasan itu diantaranya, Komandan Brigade Infanteri Lintas Udara 17 Kostrad, Panglima Kodam II Sriwijaya dan Kepala Staf Teritorial TNI. Ya , itu tadi merupakan sedikit cuplikan tentang Bapak SBY . Untuk lebih lengkapnya langsung saja kita panggil Bapak Presiden kita , Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono .

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Lirik Lagu Judika - Bukan Dia Tapi Aku


berulang kali kau menyakiti
berulang kali kau khianati
sakit ini coba pahami
ku punya hati bukan tuk disakiti

* ku akui sungguh beratnya
meninggalkanmu yang dulu pernah ada
namun harus aku lakukan
karena ku tahu ini yang terbaik
ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
yang telah hancurkan aku
sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya

repeat *

ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
yang telah hancurkan aku
sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
cintaku lebih besar darinya
mestinya kau sadar itu
bukan dia, bukan dia, tapi aku
begitu burukkah ini
hingga ku harus mengalah
ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
yang telah hancurkan aku
sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
(cintaku) cintaku
(lebih besar dari benciku) lebih besar dari benciku
cukup aku yang rasakan
(jangan dia) jangan dia
(jangan dia) jangan dia cukup aku
(jangan dia jangan dia) cukup aku
(jangan dia)

Lirik Lagu Yunika - Inginku (bukan hanya jadi temanmu)


inginku bukan hanya jadi temanmu
atau sekedar sahabatmu yang rajin dengar ceritamu
tak perlu hanya kau lihat ketulusan
yang sebenarnya tak kusangkal kadang ku hilang kesabaran
mungkinkah akan segera mengerti
seiring jalannya hari sungguh ku tergila padamu
yang ada bila tak juga kau sadari
akan ku tempuh banyak cara agar engkau tahu semua mauku
biarkan aku untuk jadi kekasihmu
karna tak percaya ungkapan cinta tak harus memiliki
terlambat jika aku harus berubah
ku terlanjur ingini semua yang ada di dalam dirimu
mungkinkah akan segera mengerti
seiring jalannya hari sungguh ku tergila padamu
yang ada bila tak juga kau sadari
akan ku tempuh banyak cara agar engkau yakin semua mauku
dan berulang mencoba tuk merebut hati dan cintamu
sadarkah dirimu sering kau kesalkan aku
bila masih saja kau menyebut namanya
mungkinkah akan segera mengerti
seiring jalannya hari sungguh ku tergila padamu
yang ada bila tak juga kau sadari
akan ku tempuh banyak cara agar engkau yakin semua mauku
semua mauku
semua mauku