Saturday, 31 December 2011
Kartu ucapan untuk tahun baru
Yaps , ini dia contoh greeting card buat tahun baru :) ini aja juga lagi coba-coba :) ternyata hasilnya lumayan lah :) bisa di share ke yg laen kok buat ngucapin tahun baru #sekaliannumpangdipromosiin :D
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Puisi Chairil Anwar "Penerimaan"
Ciptaan : Chairil Anwar
Jika kau mau, kuterima kau kembali
Dengan sepenuh hati
Dengan sepenuh hati
Aku masih tetap sendiri
Kutahu kau bukan yang dulu lagi
Bak kembang sari sudah terbagi
Bak kembang sari sudah terbagi
Jangan tunduk! Tentang aku dengan berani
Jika kau mau, kuterima kau kembali
Tapi untukku sendiri
Sedang dengan cermin aku enggan berbagi
Tapi untukku sendiri
Sedang dengan cermin aku enggan berbagi
Maret 1943
Friday, 11 November 2011
Examples Preface to the papers of Environmental Education (PLH)
Thank God we pray to Allah SWT. that we have completed the task of the subjectsdiscussed Mulok PLH with the chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides in the form of paper.
In the preparation of this work or material, not a few obstacles we faced. However, werealize that fluency in the preparation of this material is not thanks to the help,encouragement and guidance of parents, so that the obstacles we face is resolved.Therefore, the authors thank:
Mother Mulok PLH studies teachers who have given the task, instructions, told the authorthat the author motivated and accomplish this task.
Parents who have helped, guided, and overcome difficulties so that this task is completed.
Hopefully this matter can be beneficial and contribute ideas for the needy, especially for the writer so that the expected goals can be achieved, Amiin.
Surabaya, September 2011
Thank God we pray to Allah SWT. that we have completed the task of the subjectsdiscussed Mulok PLH with the chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides in the form of paper.
In the preparation of this work or material, not a few obstacles we faced. However, werealize that fluency in the preparation of this material is not thanks to the help,encouragement and guidance of parents, so that the obstacles we face is resolved.Therefore, the authors thank:
Mother Mulok PLH studies teachers who have given the task, instructions, told the authorthat the author motivated and accomplish this task.
Parents who have helped, guided, and overcome difficulties so that this task is completed.
Hopefully this matter can be beneficial and contribute ideas for the needy, especially for the writer so that the expected goals can be achieved, Amiin.
Surabaya, September 2011
Friday, 4 November 2011
Pengertian Halloween
Halloween identik dengan setan, penyihir, hantu goblin dan makhluk-makhluk menyeramkan dari kebudayaan Barat. Halloween disambut dengan menghias rumah dan pusat perbelanjaan dengan simbol-simbol Halloween.
Simbol Halloween
Simbol Halloween yang dimengerti secara universal adalah labu yang diukir membentuk wajah "menyeramkan" yang disebut Jack-o'-lantern. Di dalam Jack-o'-lantern biasanya diletakkan lilin menyala atau lampu agar terlihat lebih seram di tempat gelap.
Di Amerika Serikat, lentera Jack-o'-lantern sering diletakkan di depan pintu masuk rumah sesudah hari mulai gelap. Tradisi mengukir Jack-o'-lantern berasal dari Amerika Utara yang banyak menghasilkan labu berukuran besar.
Di belahan bumi beriklim sejuk, perayaan Halloween berlangsung di musim apel. Salah satu makanan Halloween adalah apel karamel (apel yang dicelup ke dalam cairan gula). Hidangan lain yang lekat dengan tradisi Halloween adalah pai labu, sari buah apel (minuman cider), candy corn, bonfire toffee, candy apple, dan permen yang dibungkus dengan warna-warni Halloween (oranye, coklat, atau hitam).
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Lyrics of the song She Will be loved
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tata Hukum di Indonesia
Hukum di Indonesia merupakan campuran dari sistem
hukum hukum Eropa, hukum Agama dan hukum Adat. Sebagian besar sistem yang
dianut, baik perdata maupun pidana, berbasis pada hukum Eropa
kontinental, khususnya dari Belanda karena aspek sejarah masa lalu Indonesia
yang merupakan wilayah jajahan dengan sebutan Hindia Belanda (Nederlandsch-Indie).
Hukum Agama, karena sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia menganut Islam,
maka dominasi hukum atau Syari'at Islam lebih banyak terutama di bidang
perkawinan, kekeluargaan dan warisan. Selain itu, di Indonesia juga berlaku
sistem hukum Adat yang diserap dalam perundang-undangan atau
yurisprudensi, yang merupakan penerusan dari aturan-aturan setempat dari masyarakat dan
budaya-budaya yang ada di wilayah Nusantara.
iPad VS Galaxy Tab
Tumbuh pesatnya produksi tablet PC mulai terasa efeknya di Indonesia. Saat ini ada dua tablet PC primadona yang tengah digandrungi pasar di akhir tahun ini. Inilah pertarungan Apple iPad vs Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Dibanding iPad dengan layar 9.7 inchnya, Galaxy Tab memang lebih portable dengan ukuran layar hanya sebesar 7 inch (600 x 1024 pixel). Pada ukuran 768 x 1024 pixel, layar iPad terasa sedikit lebih lebar.
Selisih ukuran 3 inch cukup membuat karakter dalam membawa dua produk tersebut berbeda. iPad lebih cocok dimasukan tas, sementara Glaxy Tab lebih pas dimasukan saku jaket.
Galaxy Tab, berukuran 7 inch pas digenggam dan memiliki desain yang solid. Dibanding iPad bobotnya terasa lebih ringan.
iPad, berukuran 9.7 inch sedikit was-was jika tablet ini jatuh. Bobotnya memang lebih berat dari Galaxy Tab, namun tampak lebih elegan berbalut alumunim dan tidak terlalu gendut. Layarnya jelas lebih lega ketimbang Galaxy Tab.
2) Tampilan
Galaxy Tab, adalah Android yang tentu memiliki tampilan lebih kompleks ketimbang iOS. Beberapa pengguna Android yang telah terbiasa tentu tak memiliki masalah. Namun bagi pengguna awam, tampilannya lebih membingungkan dari iPad.
iPad, memiliki tampilan iOS yang lebih simpel dan mudah dipahami bagi pengguna awam. Secara desain dan feel, iOS lebih smooth dan mulus dalam hal transisi, efek, dan jalannya aplikasi.
3) Fitur
Galaxy Tab, mengambil celah yang tak dimiliki iPad. Dengan dua buah kamera, tablet milik Samsung ini jadi lebih fungsional tentunya. Selain itu Galaxy tab sudah mendukung Flash.
iPad, tampil lebih simpel tanpa kamera. Tablet Apple ini juga tidak mendukung format Flash. Galaxy Tab boleh lebih unggul untuk dual hal tersebut.
4) Harga
Galaxy Tab, dijual seharga Rp 6 jutaan. Berbeda dengan iPad, Galaxy Tab tak memiliki versi Wifi saja. Semua sudah all ini dalam satu tablet tersebut.
iPad, telah resmi masuk indoensia. AppStore Indonesia menjualnya mulai Rp 4,7 juta (Wifi 16 GB). Model paling mahal adalah iPad dengan koneksi 3G berkapasitas 64GB yang ditawarkan pada kisaran Rp 7,9 juta.
iPhone VS Blackberry
PING !!! begitulah tulisan yang muncul ketika orang yang dikirimkan pesan Blackberry Messenger tidak kunjung juga membalas apa pesan yang sudah kirimkan. Dan tak lama kemudian orang yang dituju pun segera sadar karena adanya getaran di saku celana dan membalas pesan dari sang pengirim.
Fenomena Blackberry tampaknya tak terbendungkan lagi di Jakarta dan Indonesia saat ini, dari yang dulunya barang ekslusif disaat tahun 2008 kemarin , kini di tahun 2010 sudah menjadi barang yang biasa di miliki orang , bahkan anak-anak sekolah pun sekarang menggunakan blackberry. Bahkan baru kemarin ini, saya menanyakan kepada anak dari teman saya yang bersekolah di international school di daerah Jakarta Barat, bahwa didalam kelasnya hanya 5 orang yang menggunakan iPhone dan setengah lebih kelas menggunakan Blackberry (atau sekitar 20 orang)
Padahal jika Anda melihat harga dibandingkan dengan produk handphone lainnya, dengan harga yang sama Anda bisa mendapatkan produk dengan kualitas dan bahan material yang lebih baik lagi . But why people still choose this lowclass gadget ?
Mari kita telusuri produk lainnya, yakni iPhone sebuah handphone yang canggih nan futuristik dalam design buatan mas Steve Jobs dari apple company di amerika sana, yang begitu orang melihat dan menyentuh layarnya dengan jari membuat Anda ketagihan , terlebih Anda memainkan gamenya dengan fitur sensor gerakan saat bermain game balap mobil. Segala applikasi pendukungnya berjibun hingga hitungan jutaan applikasi.
Tapi kembali ke indonesia, mengapa Blackberry mengalahkan iPhone dengan jauhnya , dengan kualitas produk material dan gambar yang tidak sebanding dengan harga yang di bayarkan ? Jawaban ini adalah jawaban yang sama dengan salah satu unsur terpenting dalam internet business saat ini. Sebuah unsur yang bisa mengalahkan bahkan handphone canggih sekalipun sekelas iPhone dalam hitungan beberapa tahun kedatangannya di Indonesia ini.
Community ! Komunitas !
itulah apa yang harus ditekankan dalam program internet marketing Anda saat ini , tanpa sadar internet telah membuat kita menjadi jauh lebih dekat , yang walaupun pada kenyataannya ada jarak berkilo atau berpuluh-puluh kilometer antara rumah kita dengan rumah teman kita. Tapi dengan internet rasa kekompakan terus tercipta.
Blackberry bisa menjawab rasa kebutuhan akan komunitas ini, semua terintegrasi dalam 1 genggaman, Blackberry Messenger , BBM Group , YM , MSN , Facebook, Twitter , eMail dan fungsi telpon hanya membutuhkan 1 gadget saja.
Memang semua ada pangsa pasarnya , termasuk iPhone juga ada pasarnya sendiri. Tapi yang menyabet market lebih besar adalah sebuah bisnis yang bisa memuaskan pelanggan dengan menjadikan mereka komunitas-komunitas kecil yang terus mendukung brand tersebut. Start to think how to create your community. Mungkin dengan komunitas perkota terlebih dahulu. Misalkan Anda menjual Sepatu kulit, Anda bisa mulai membuat komunitas pecinta sepatu solo, komunitas pecinta sepatu jakarta barat , atau mungkin Anda bisa membuat yang lebih spesifik lagi seperti komunitas pecinta sepatu kulit solo.
Dalam membuat komunitas yang tidak boleh dilupakan adalah, adanya ritual dan logo . Apa ritual Anda , misalkan tagline anda, tempat pertemuan anda, kaos atau atribut apa yang biasa haru dipakai. Tujuannya adalah untuk menimbulkan kekompakan diantara sesama member sehingga membentuk apa yang disebutkan diatas tadi attachment (kelekatan) antara satu sama yang lainnya. Yang kedua logo, tanpa disadari logo ini adalah seperti bendera di sebuah negara , yang membuat orang bangga dan mati-matian membelanya. Dan dikasus ini adalah brand name Anda yang akan dibela. So, sekali lagi komunitas memang tidak semuanya langsung besar tapi dimulai dari kecil.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris (dengan pasive voicenya)
Berikut ini merupakan beberapa penjelasan tentang 16 tenses dalam bahasa inggris :
1. Simple Present Tense
Although present
mean now (sekarang) but matter of in don't be interpreted that the action done
at the moment. this tenses is used to express something that have the character
of remain to, real truth or habit. Because often concerning occurence of past
time, now and will come. This Tense at least having selected time description.
English sentences generally must have subject (S) and Predicate (P).
Because that, all tenses formulatived like that.
Formulas of Present Tense:
(positive) : S + V1 / S + V1 + O
(Negative) : S + do (es) not + V1
(Interrogative) : Do (es) + S + V1 ?
Formulas of Present Tense:
(positive) : S + V1 / S + V1 + O
(Negative) : S + do (es) not + V1
(Interrogative) : Do (es) + S + V1 ?
If in the
sentence have not another verb, so we use verb to be.
Affirmative (+) : S + Be (am, is, are)
Affirmative (-) : S + Be (am, is, are) + not
Affirmative (?) : Be (am, is, are) + S
(Positive) : He drinks milk.
(Negative) : He does not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Does he drink milk?
Affirmative (+) : S + Be (am, is, are)
Affirmative (-) : S + Be (am, is, are) + not
Affirmative (?) : Be (am, is, are) + S
(Positive) : He drinks milk.
(Negative) : He does not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Does he drink milk?
Passive Voice : Milk is drunk by him
2. Present Continuous Tense
This Tense is used to express something really action is doing in this time. sentences in this tense a more regular weared than present tense.
This Tense is used to express something really action is doing in this time. sentences in this tense a more regular weared than present tense.
of Present Continuous Tense:
(positive) : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing (present participle)
(Negative) : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V ing
(Interrogative) : Be (am, is, are) + S + V ing ?
(Positive) : He is drinking milk.
(Negative) : He is not drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Is he drinking milk ?
(positive) : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing (present participle)
(Negative) : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V ing
(Interrogative) : Be (am, is, are) + S + V ing ?
(Positive) : He is drinking milk.
(Negative) : He is not drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Is he drinking milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk is being drunk by him
3. Present Perfect Tense
This is Tense which was generally assumed most was difficult to comprehended. To overcome this matter is we have to recognize marking of Tense this. Present Perfect Tense Of dot weigh against at "It have or have its" an action "is not at time doing" action. or equally Present Perfect Tense don't make account of when the happening of an action but the haveness of action done. Therefore this Tense have never followed by time description.
This is Tense which was generally assumed most was difficult to comprehended. To overcome this matter is we have to recognize marking of Tense this. Present Perfect Tense Of dot weigh against at "It have or have its" an action "is not at time doing" action. or equally Present Perfect Tense don't make account of when the happening of an action but the haveness of action done. Therefore this Tense have never followed by time description.
Formulas of Present Perfect Tense:
(positive) : S + have (has) + V3 (past participle)
(Negative) : S + have (has) + not + V3
(Interrogative) : Have (has) + S + V3?
(Positive) : He has drunk milk.
(Negative) : He has not drunk milk.
(Interrogative) : Has he drunk milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk has been drunk by him
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
If an action started past time but still is doing till now hence us use sentence in the form of Present Perfect Continuous Tense. This Tense is weared if Verb is including Static Nature (bersifat tetap).
If an action started past time but still is doing till now hence us use sentence in the form of Present Perfect Continuous Tense. This Tense is weared if Verb is including Static Nature (bersifat tetap).
of Present Continuous Tense:
(positive) : S + have (has) + been + Ving
(Negative) : S + have (has) + not + been + Ving
(Interrogative) : Have (has) + S + been + Ving ?
(Positive) : He has been drinking milk.
(Negative) : He has not been drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Has he been drinking milk ?
(positive) : S + have (has) + been + Ving
(Negative) : S + have (has) + not + been + Ving
(Interrogative) : Have (has) + S + been + Ving ?
(Positive) : He has been drinking milk.
(Negative) : He has not been drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Has he been drinking milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk has been being by him
1. Simple Past Tense
is used to express an old world action that happened. Way past tense form depend on type of second Verb. first way added d or of ed at second verb (regular verb). Second way in generally change the vowel sounds (irregular verb).
Formula of Simple Past Tense:
(Positive) : S + V2 (preterite)
(Negative) : S + did not (didn’t) + V1
(Interrogative) : Did + S + V1 ?
(Positive) : He drank milk.
(Negative) : He did not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Did he drink milk ?
is used to express an old world action that happened. Way past tense form depend on type of second Verb. first way added d or of ed at second verb (regular verb). Second way in generally change the vowel sounds (irregular verb).
Formula of Simple Past Tense:
(Positive) : S + V2 (preterite)
(Negative) : S + did not (didn’t) + V1
(Interrogative) : Did + S + V1 ?
(Positive) : He drank milk.
(Negative) : He did not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Did he drink milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk was drunk by him
2. Past Continuous Tense
This Tenses is used to express an action which is happened in past time. and at the same time happened other action. This Tense emphasize is the happening of the action not its have.
2. Past Continuous Tense
This Tenses is used to express an action which is happened in past time. and at the same time happened other action. This Tense emphasize is the happening of the action not its have.
Formulas of Past Continuos Tense:
(Positive) : S + was/were + V ing (present participle)
(Negative) : S + was/were + not + V ing
(Interrogative) : was/were + S + V ing?
(Positive) : He was drinking milk.
(Negative) : He was not drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Was he drinking milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk is being drunk by him
3. Past Perfect Tense
It is the same with Past Continuos Tense nor selfsupporting as simple sentence but have to provide with Past Tense sentence. this used to express an action which have been done in past time.
Formulas of Past Perfect Tense:
(Positive) : S + had + V3
(Negative) : S + had + not + V3
(Interrogative) : Had + S + V3?
(Positive) : He had drunk milk.
(Negative) : He had not drunk milk.
(Interrogative) : Had He drunk milk ?
It is the same with Past Continuos Tense nor selfsupporting as simple sentence but have to provide with Past Tense sentence. this used to express an action which have been done in past time.
Formulas of Past Perfect Tense:
(Positive) : S + had + V3
(Negative) : S + had + not + V3
(Interrogative) : Had + S + V3?
(Positive) : He had drunk milk.
(Negative) : He had not drunk milk.
(Interrogative) : Had He drunk milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk had been drunk by him
4. Past Perfect Continuos Tense
Present participle of Past this Perfect like action which still take place past time when an other occurence cut.
Formulas of Past Perfect Continuos Tense:
(Positive) : S + had been + V ing
(Negative) : S + had not + been + V ing
(Interrogative) : Had + S + been + V ing?
(Positive) : He had been drinking.
(Negative) : He had not been drinking.
(Interrogative) : Had he been drinking ?
Passive Voice :
Milk had been being drunk by him
1. Simple Future Tense
This Tense is used to express an action to happen in the future.
Formulas of Simple Future Tense:
(Positive) : S + shall/will + V1
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + V1
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + V1 ?
(Positive) : He will drink milk.
(Negative) : He will not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Will He drink ?
This Tense is used to express an action to happen in the future.
Formulas of Simple Future Tense:
(Positive) : S + shall/will + V1
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + V1
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + V1 ?
(Positive) : He will drink milk.
(Negative) : He will not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Will He drink ?
2. Future Continuous Tense
This Tense is used to express estimated to action underway at the time of selected is future or there is happened other action.
Formulas of Future Continuous Tense:
(Positive) : S + shall/will be + V ing
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + be + V ing
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + Be + V ing?
(Positive) : He will be drinking milk.
(Negative) : He will not be drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he be drinking milk ?
This Tense is used to express estimated to action underway at the time of selected is future or there is happened other action.
Formulas of Future Continuous Tense:
(Positive) : S + shall/will be + V ing
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + be + V ing
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + Be + V ing?
(Positive) : He will be drinking milk.
(Negative) : He will not be drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he be drinking milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk will be being drunk by him
3. Future Perfect Tense
This Tense is used to express an estimated action have been done at the selected time in future or if there are any other action.
of Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive) : S + shall/will have + V3
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have + V3
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have + V3?
(Positive) : He will have drunk milk.
(Negative) : He will not have drunk milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he have drunk milk ?
(Positive) : S + shall/will have + V3
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have + V3
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have + V3?
(Positive) : He will have drunk milk.
(Negative) : He will not have drunk milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he have drunk milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk will has drunk by him
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
This Tense is weared to express an estimated action will come in selected future period or if there are any happened other action. This Tense seldom wear.
Formulas of Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive) : S + shall/will have been + V ing
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have been + V ing
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have been + V ing?
(Positive) : he will have been drinking milk.
(Negative) : he will not have been drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he have been drinking milk ?
Passive Voice : Milk will has being drunk milk
1. Past Future Tense
This Tense generally only used in Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) or Reported Speech (Kalimat tidak langsung).
Formulas of Past Future Tense:
(Positive) : S + will + V1
(Negative) : S + will not + V1
(Interrogative) : Will + S + V1?
(Positive) : He will drink milk.
This Tense generally only used in Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) or Reported Speech (Kalimat tidak langsung).
Formulas of Past Future Tense:
(Positive) : S + will + V1
(Negative) : S + will not + V1
(Interrogative) : Will + S + V1?
(Positive) : He will drink milk.
(Negative) :
He will not drink milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he drink ?
(Interrogative) : Will he drink ?
Passive Voice :
Milk will be drunk by him
2. Past Future Continuous Tense
This Tense is weared very rare and if there are any, only met in Reported Speech.
Formulas of Past Future Continuous Tense:
(Positive) : S + will be + V ing
(Negative) : S + will not be + V ing
(Interrogative) : will + S + be + V ing?
(Positive) : He will be drinking milk.
(Negative) : He will not be drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he be drinking milk ?
This Tense is weared very rare and if there are any, only met in Reported Speech.
Formulas of Past Future Continuous Tense:
(Positive) : S + will be + V ing
(Negative) : S + will not be + V ing
(Interrogative) : will + S + be + V ing?
(Positive) : He will be drinking milk.
(Negative) : He will not be drinking milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he be drinking milk ?
Passive Voice :
Milk would have been drunk by him
3. Past Future Perfect Tense
This Tense intrinsically only weared in Conditional (kalimat Pengandaian) as main clause for expressing unreal past (lampau tak nyata).
Formulas of Past Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive) : S + will have + V3
(Negative) : S + will not + have + V3
(Interrogative) : will + S + have + V3?
(Positive) : he will have drunk milk.
(Negative) : he will not have drunk milk.
(Interrogative) : Will he have drunk milk ?
4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
This Tense is used very rare even in Reported Speech even if.
Formulas of Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense:
(Positive) : S + will + have + been + V ing
(Negative) : S + will + have not + been +V ing
(Interrogative) : will + S + have been + V ing?
(Positive) : he will have been drinking milk
(Negative) : he will have not been drinking milk
(Interrogative) : Will he have been drinking ?
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